Happy Birthday to one remarkable woman. At 90 years young Dolores Huerta continues her ceaseless work for the betterment of all humanity. From farm workers to women’s rights to human rights to environmental justice Dolores Huerta has been and continues to be a tireless advocate of human dignity and equality. If civil rights advocacy was a religion Dolores Huerta would be a living saint.
She is a constant friend to Colorado and Denver having visited here numerous times for various causes. Most recently Huerta was in Denver this past December as part of the Bold Women Change History lecture series at the History Colorado Museum.
Here is a look back at some of those times, the issues and the people who came out to support her and her many causes. Maybe you or someone you know was at one of these events. See the photo galleries below.
Carlos Santana’s “Dolores” (Huerta) Opens Women+Film Festival In Denver
Despite a blustery spring snow storm a sold out audience came out for the opening night of the Women+Film Festival at Sie FilmCenter in Denver to attend the screening of “Dolores” as well as to meet the civil rights icon in person. The film, Directed by Peter Bratt and produced by Carlos Santana, tells how Huerta fought tirelessly alongside Cesar Chavez for racial and labor justice and became one of the most defiant feminists of the twentieth century. Huerta, co-founder of the United Farmworkers Association, and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, met with attendees before and after the screening and was more than gracious with everyone.

The only two women inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Linda Alvardo, Alvardo Construction/Colorado Rockies and Dolores Huerta were selected on the basis of the changes they created that affect the social, economic and cultural aspects of society

Latin leadership pioneers Polly Baca, Dolores Huerta and Juana Bordas
A review of the film’s debut at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival is available at: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/dolores-review-969573.
Ruth Sanchez, who saw the Denver screening said, “It was a “long” overdue film, depicting a true civil rights leader! The film touched on the awareness of sacrifice that one woman would endure for the oppressed farm workers & their families. Such a courageous woman who would work alongside men, both on the Board & in the fields! A male dominant world, who later would gently tip their hats and applaud her for the unselfish and driven ways to make their lives better. Bravo to the Director & Producers! Bravo, Dolores!”
Photos by Joe Contreras, Latin Life Denver Media
2014 America’s Latino Eco Festival Honors Dolores Huerta With Nuestra Mardre Award
Boulder, Colorado….Photos by Joe Contreras, Latin Life Denver Media
“If We Don’t Vote The Haters Win,” Dolores Huerta, Colorado Latino Leaders And Voters Speak Out Against Republican Candidates (from2015)
Photos by Joe Contreras, Latin Life Denver Media
“If we don’t vote the hater’s win” said civil rights leader Dolores Huerta back in October of 2015 in Denver, echoing the settlements of a group of community leaders who had gathered for a round table forum to discuss the negative positions Republican presidential candidates have taken toward on issues that impact Latino and women living in the United States.
The round table was organized by the People For the American Way (PFAW) organization. Dolores Huerta is a board member of PFAW and came to Denver to join Latino leaders and voters for a conversation on how all of the GOP candidates have rejected or ignored priorities of Colorado Latino voters. Rep. Joe Salazar and Denise Maes led the conversation.

Living Legend Dolores Huerta Looks Forward by Reflecting on the Past
The social activist, who has lead movements for women, the Latinx community, and farm workers talks about how the lessons of the past apply today.
BY JESSE KLEIN • DECEMBER 9, 2019 5280 Magazine
Even if you haven’t heard of Dolores Huerta, you’ve heard her famous slogan “Sí, se puede.” After meeting and working with Cesar Chavez to found United Farm Workers of America in 1962, Huerta has lived a long life of activism, fighting for labor rights, leading boycotts, and organizing women for the past five decades. Age has never stopped her. At 58, Huerta was assaulted by police in San Francisco. The officer broke four ribs and damaged her spleen while she was protesting then-presidential candidate George H.W. Bush. She was awarded the most prestigious civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, by President Barack Obama in 2012.
Her organization, the Dolores Huerta Foundation has continued to…Read more HERE
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