December 2022

Mean Girls, Finding Ones True Path In Life, LLD Theatre Review

Mean Girls is a must-see, laugh out loud, high-energy musical. It is a “cautionary tale” about discovering who you are while also trying to fit in. Can you really be your authentic self while pleasing others?

Unseen Oceans, Take A Deep Dive & Explore For Yourself, Thru April 9, 2023

“Unseen Oceans,” launches you into a journey from the oceans’ unlit surfaces to their inky depths as you discover the latest ocean science and encounter the researchers and technologies that are revealing our blue planet as never before.

“Rehersing For Life” Help Teens Get Their Act Together Casa Milagro

Teen lives will be changed forever and for the better this December through interactive theatre training at Winter Park provided by Casa Milagro (Miracle House) Youth Solutions. This unique organization has for 10 years has inspired youths to change negative experiences in their lives into positive behaviors as they take on the challenges of life moving forward. Your help through your donations will help turn bad experiences into good ones.