FREE! ALL ARE WELCOME! Latin Band “Roka Hueka” Comedy Plus Free Food & Beverages Aug. 3rd

Denver’s coolest Latin Band “Roka Hueka” plus Comedy, free food and beverages! Starting at 7:00pm, we will have delicious hand-tossed, deck-oven pizzas provided by Sexy Pizza!
Roka Hueka_2

Join Denver Open Media and Latin Life Denver Media for this month’s Open Music Sessions, our First Friday Celebration!

Local Music – Local Comedy – Local Food – Local Fun


Friday, August 3 at 7 PM – 10 PM

Denver Open Media

700 Kalamath St, Denver, Colorado 80204

Featuring local artist Roka Hueka along with local comedians from Sexpot Comedy and a community spotlight in Studio A from 8:00 – 9:30pm!

And while enjoying food and drink, you can watch our Countdown Show in person. Broadcast live on DOM’s Denver Comcast channels 57/881HD, and CenturyLink Channels: 8009/8509HD and on the Radio at 104.7LPFM and streamed online at

Check out our Open Media Galley featuring local artists.

You’ll have the chance to win a basic membership with us too, which includes lots of perks. You’ll get discounts on classes, access to our free events to learn from our expert staff and get feedback on your projects, and broadcast your media on the air! More info at Keep an eye out for the raffle!

Can’t attend?
Watch locally: Denver Comcast Channel 57
Or online at:
And join us next month!

Open Music Sessions is a collaboration between the Open Media Foundation and the Denver Westword, with whom we share our state-of-the-art technical resources, communications prowess and most importantly, passion for Denver music. You can be part of the action right here at the OMF studios!

Thanks also goes out to Sexpot Comedy and KGNU Community Radio for their support!

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